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Why Didn't Ahsoka Open The Temple Doors?

With the final season of Rebels literally right around the corner, I wanted to do one more Rebels inspired post before the big debut. So, we are looking at the temple on Lothal and why Ahsoka chose not to open the doors with Kanan and Ezra.

There is surprising little information about the subject. At this point, conjecture might be all we have. We know Jedi temples do have a thought process as they cater themselves to the mission or individual. For instance, when the inquisitors opened the temple, the designs around the temple shine red.

Keep in mind, Ahsoka stated that it was better if Kanan and Ezra opened the temple, implying that there could be a consequence to her helping. Whether this is true or not remains to be seen. Therefore, we're going to have to do some speculating on a few possibilities.

1) She didn't feel right doing it. She no longer considered herself a Jedi and felt that the temple would be able to sense that mentality. Kanan and Ezra, despite the Order not existing, do consider themselves as basically new-Order Jedi. Since it was a Jedi temple, Ahsoka didn't feel like she should be opening the doors out of respect.

2) She could disrupt their mission. This one is tough as it's mainly my opinion, but stick with me. We know the trio was after knowledge. Once inside, Kanan and Ezra both discovered information about a common and immediate goal; defeating the inquisitors. Ahsoka, before Ezra disappeared, was speaking about Yoda and the past. She then sees Anakin and then Vader, confirming her fears. Whether it was her intention or not, the temple felt that she was better off to face the past with influence on the future. Perhaps at the doors she felt the information she sought was not the same as theirs, and so they should open the doors since their interests were perfectly aligned.

3) The temple wouldn't show her what she wanted to know. I'm sure she had every intention of seeking wisdom about the inquisitors. However, I'm sure she also wanted information about Anakin and Vader. I doubt Kanan and Ezra knew that specifically. She may have thought that if she opened the doors with less than 100% transparency, the temple wouldn't show her Anakin.

4) "These temples are tricky". My #1 guess is that she wasn't sure what would happen. When Kanan and Ezra opened the temple this time, there was a second door. New mission, new door. She simply didn't know if her help, since she did not mentally consider herself a Jedi, would cause the temple to do something differently than it would otherwise.

What do you think? Was there something specific Ahsoka was trying to avoid or was she just uncomfortable doing it? Let me know! @ForceKnowledge


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