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9 Expectations for TLJ and Future Star Wars Films

As Star Wars fans, there are always expectations. No matter if it was a movie or an upcoming episode of The Clone Wars or Rebels, there were always things we needed to see. Well, the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior, and the future is now. Here are 9 things that we need from the future of Star Wars.

1) Let old characters have a spotlight too. It’s no secret we have a lot of new and exciting characters to get to know. The offer a new perspective on the story and new directions to take in the way of expanding the universe. However, we still have several characters that were, in my own term, Star Wars “Genesis” characters. They were the beginning, and so they deserve to have their moment in the spotlight.

2) Answers to questions. We were left with more than a few questions after TFA. Abrams loves his question box. Although I prefer the old style of Star Wars storytelling, I am looking forward to what’s in store for us in December. Hopefully, that includes some tight answers to some very big questions.

3) Good shots and visuals. Seriously. I want some awesome shots. Getting back to filming on-site is the way to go. Digital is all well and good but, by the time we got to Revenge of the Sith, it was too much. The movie set a world record for special effects with 2,151 shots. Let’s stick to on-site, models, costumes, and awesome camera work.

4) Space battles that are thought out and easy to follow. The space battles, for me, have been the largest draw of Star Wars. The ships are iconic, the battles are intense, and the music is unparalleled. We are often switching between battles happening simultaneously in space and on a planet. With all this happening, it can be easy for the audience to get lost. Let’s see battles that are thought out, entertaining, intense, and easy to follow.

5) No superweapon. We’ve worn this one out. Let’s find something new to rally around defeating.

6) Old and new species. We've been introduced to a lot of new species and humanoids over the last decade. There needs to be a balance of both. And can we please, for the love of all things holy, get a Togruta!?

7) Legacy characters. Please! I liked that Han and Leia have a son that went dark. This happened in the Original EU as well. His name was Jacen, and he was one of their twins. His name, Ben, is also a Legacy name. Luke and Mara’s son was Ben. I’m glad they gave us something of a nod to the original EU there. Let’s see some more of those.

8) Animated characters. Again, please! We heard Hera’s voice over the comm in the Rebel base in Rogue. We got to see Saw in Rogue. We have fallen in love with our animated characters. Let’s pick a few more in the future to add into the mix.

9) References to tv shows. The Clone Wars and Rebels are amazing shows. They bring us the depth and history that is missing from the films. Mention them! They aren’t just stories. They are a part of the universe, its history. So, talk about them like they are. Wouldn’t you have loved it if Saw had made a reference to Steela? Me too. I want to see characters speak about those we lost in TCW and Rebels like they existed and had an impact on the current story line.

What are you hoping to see in the future of SW? @ForceKnowledge


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