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#CloneWarsSaved : The Story You Need To Know Before The Clone Wars Returns

In July we all lost our minds when we got the news that The Clone Wars would be making its return. It's one of those "I remember where I was when I got the news" moments. I was actually on a plane back from D.C. when a friend messaged me "Have you heard the news!!??". I hadn't and had been in the air for hours. I managed to get service long enough before changing flights to say I had no clue what he was talking about. It wasn't until my second flight landed that I was able to see the hundreds of articles that had popped up in a matter of hours all proclaiming #CloneWarsSaved. I am not ashamed to say, I teared up.

After seeing the trailer, the first thing that came to my mind was the amount of time that had passed. It seems we will be beginning right before the Mandalorian siege, as Ahsoka was standing with Bo-Katan. Unfortunately this means we won't be getting the lost stories of Ahsoka. Although we won't be seeing these stories, it's important that we know them. They taught Ahsoka lessons she would not have learned with the Jedi and helped shape her future.

In 2016 Dave Filoni, Pablo Hildalgo, and Ashley Eckstein starred on a panel discussing Ahsoka's lost stories. During the panel they revealed several new characters and story lines that would have followed Ahsoka's movements from leaving to Jedi to Mandalore.

The largest new character would have been Nyx Okami, a Han type character in the underworld of Coruscant. He and Ahsoka had a "thing" while she was hiding her past from him. Nyx would have been the first main Asian lead in Star Wars. Nyx and Ahsoka would have stuck together in the underworld, beating back criminals as best they could. At one point, Ahsoka risks her cover, beating the snot out of some people Nyx owed money too. It was supposed to be quite a fight.

A second arch would have been Ahsoka aiding the Jedi in an underworld hunt. Yoda was being threatened by evil underworld beings (no elaboration from Filoni). Ahsoka helped the Jedi find a Sith temple hundreds of layers beneath the Jedi temple. While investigating the temple, Ahoska ended up fighting a dark side user, using her lightsaber to weld shut a door. The Sith uses force lightning to try and push her from the door. Unknown to her, she battle none other than Darth Sidious himself. Ahsoka has the chance to return to the Jedi, but refuses. Barriss's actions forced Ahsoka to not trust the Order and to do what she could on her own.

Lastly, we would see Ahsoka on Mandalore. Luckily this seems to be the part we will finally get to see on screen. After making contact with Bo-Katan, Satine's sister, she and Ahsoka develop a possible to plan to take Mandalore back from Death Watch and Sidious. This is, presumably, when we see her in the trailer.

What are you doing during the wait? With no official release date, we will certainly be waiting until late 2019 before we get to see our favorite characters again. Unfortunately, there is nothing to do but watch, read, and speculate. What do you most want to see in the upcoming season?


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