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The Religion of the Jedi

(Although Jediism is an actual religion here on Earth, I will be discussing the religion found in the movies where people could actually move stuff with their mind. )

In Rogue One, we finally got a taste of the actual religion that is the Jedi. Yes, the Jedi are peacekeepers who follow this Force that connects all things. However, those who were force-sensitive and a part of the Order were not the only individuals who followed the religion that was a part of the Order. Monasteries and temples were all over the galaxy and often housed treasures found or given to the Order. They would have meditation areas as well as libraries and sparring rooms. We saw one such temple on Lothal during season 2 of Rebels. If a temple was too far from a mission location, then a praxeum ship would be used.

In RO, we see a monastery and these two monks who have been looking after the place and its kyber crystals. When the Empire comes to take the crystals to power the Death Star, the sand hits the fan. There was some confusion among lighter fans of whether or not those monks were force-sensitive. No, they are not. Chirrut Imwe (Donnie Yen) says repeatedly “I am one with the Force and the Force is with me”. Jedi were the only individuals who could manipulate using the Force, but the Force didn’t stop with them. Chirrut would have been employed by the Jedi order to maintain the temple and provide spiritual guidance to both young Jedi and the common man as well. He would have been knowledgeable in most aspects of the Order and trained in combat, as we saw. When he says he is “one with the Force” he is being literal. The Force is around everything. The Force can be with you, regardless of whether you can manipulate it. On a few occasions, we hear Masters state that “it is the will of the Force”. Although the Force doesn’t have a “side”, it does seem to make decisions or lead someone in a general direction.

Within the Order, you had:

Leaders- Grand Masters- the High Council

The three lesser councils

Masters and Knights


The Corps


Other non-Force sensitive beings who worked for the Order

The leaders of the Order were the ones who were supposed to interpret the will of the Force and lead the Order in the direction they were to follow. This became tricky during the Clone Wars because the dark side “clouded” the senses of the leaders. To fully understand the religious elements of the Order, you must understand the code that guided it:

There is no emotion, there is peace

This first rule leads Jedi in interactions and meditation. It is meant to be a reminder to not behave recklessly and to always try to understand the situation fully before acting aggressively.

There is no ignorance, there is knowledge

People often fear what they don’t understand and fear leads to darkness. Before assignments Jedi were encouraged to read up on the people and cultures they were heading into so they would be prepared.

There is no passion, there is serenity (peace)

Another reminder to act calmly and not become obsessed. It’s easy for us to elevate ourselves above others or even our mission. Jedi could not afford to behave this way.

There is no chaos, there is harmony

This tenant is about the Force and its control over the galaxy. Even our own chaos theory tends to prove this idea. Order cannot come from chaos, only chaos from order. If the Force is around all things, can be sensed, and has a will, it is harmony. Jedi were meant to follow the path showed to them by the Force. They were to mirror it. Therefore, Jedi were not to be full of chaos, but harmony.

There is no death, there is the Force

“All things die, but the Force lives on. As beings who exist as shades of the Force, the end of our existence in this form is not to be overly mourned. We are part of an energy larger than ourselves, and we play roles in a cosmic fabric that outstrip our incarnate understanding” (The Jedi Path, pg. 7).

There is so much that is involved with the Jedi religion and philosophy that it cannot possibly be fit into a single discussion.

Stay tuned for more Star Wars nerding!

Future posts will include:

The Three Pillars and Innerworkings of Temple Life, Different Types of Lightsabers, Force-Sensitive Animals, and The Journey from Initiate to Knight.

Twitter: @ForceKnowledge

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